Audio Fox, a manufacturer of highly-rated wireless TV speakers made in the USA, announced recently its partnership with eTailz, a major technology retailer and top Amazon merchant. The retail company is the 12th fastest-growing company in Washington State and is sure to be a beneficial partner for Audio Fox during its own growth period. [...]
Don't you hate it when you're in a noisy restaurant trying to visit with friends, and it seems like you're the only one who can't hear what others are saying? Or how about when you're watching a movie at home, and you have to continually ask [...]
The Blaze, a popular news network founded by Glenn Beck, is featuring some Audio Fox commercials this week on TV and radio. The Audio Fox is the top wireless speaker set for tv that delivers sound up close without headphones!The Blaze network is available on Dish Network, through the Roku Blaze app, or streaming online at [...]
Video game graphics and sounds are improving quickly so why not view and hear them on the best technology available? Audio Fox is your new personal surround sound turning your gaming session into an unforgettable experience. The unique wireless speaker system is designed to provide focused, crystal clear audio in a convenient and comfortable manner. The pair of speakers grip [...]
"Honey, can you please turn the TV down?" Sound familiar? If you're one of the estimated 35 million Americans with hearing loss, it probably does. Coping with hearing loss can be frustrating, often leaving people feeling isolated and self-conscious. It only makes matters worse when it affects others around you. Having to ask people to repeat themselves, making people [...]
Wireless headphones for TV are nice for listening to your favorite show at your own volume level, but the disadvantage is that they isolate you from others and deny you from hearing what's going on around you. There's a product on the market called the Audio Fox. It gives you the best of both worlds. You can hear that explosive battle [...]
Looking for the perfect gift for a parent? Give them the gift of TV enjoyment again, with the Audiofox TV Wireless Speakers.Getting older can be tough. Dealing with hearing loss can one of the toughest parts of it. So many things lose their enjoyment when you just can't hear them anymore. With the Audiofox speaker system, your [...]
Constantly fighting your spouse on the TV Volume? Everyone hears things differently and you might just not hear it as well as him or her. You can keep trying to convince your spouse to crank it up or you can live in peace with the AudioFox Remote Speakers for TV.The Audiofox is easy to install in [...]
Having trouble hearing is one of the most frustrating things that many of us have to learn to live with as we grow older. Hearing everyone speak in what sounds like a mumble, having trouble sorting out noise in a busy restaurant, or trying to listen to the game with your buddies over can be [...]
Lots of people have trouble hearing the TV as they get older. You need more volume but don't want to blast the whole house with noise. One solution is to get some headphones with a really long cord but then you're effectively tethered to your TV. If you've ever tried to walk to the kitchen, [...]